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ATTENTION 2024 Olympic Games: GAME PASS compulsory for access to the forecourt of Notre-Dame

The Olympic Games attract visitors to Paris from all over the world. However, this year, access to the Olympic sites requires a crucial element: the GAME PASS. To access the Parvis de Notre-Dame ...

Prix Historia 2023

Éternelle Notre-Dame remporte le prix "Histoire et nouvelles technologies"

Le 13 novembre dernier, l'auditorium de la tour TF1 à Boulogne a été le théâtre de la treizième édition des Prix Historia. Comme à l'accoutumée, cette cérémonie a rendu hommage aux diverses ...


The experience can be found under the Cathedral square!

After being presented to the public under the "Grande Arche de la Défense" from January to September 2022, the virtual reality experience Eternal Notre-Dame has been duplicated to become ...


You don't know it, but you are a donor !

Notre-Dame de Paris reopens its doors virtually thanks to "Eternal Notre-Dame", which brings it back to life and shows it from a new angle. This experience also contributes to the revival of the ...


Eternal Notre-Dame comes back this autumn!

ETERNAL NOTRE-DAME: BACK SOON The immersive VR experience Eternal Notre-Dame comes back by the end 2022, still in La Défense, Paris. Due to planned works, the experience will not be accessible ...


Amaclio Productions: make people love History

Well-known for its monumental video mapping show La Nuit aux Invalides, Amaclio Productions expands its expertise to Virtual Reality (VR) shows! The one-of-a-kind immersive experience Eternal ...

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